Monday, November 26, 2007

Getting the correct golf club

Depending on the kind of move you want to make at a specific moment in a game you have to always consider getting the correct golf club for the situation. Very experienced golf players usually don’t have any difficulty in getting the correct golf club without a blink of an eye, but for beginners, conditions are different. You need to be sure that you’re getting the correct golf club since this could mean better results from you. After all, this is part of the golf playing tricks beginners and professionals recognize alike.

Getting the correct golf club means choosing from the woods, the irons or the putters as the main club categories are known. Let’s see when you should use each, and why it is so important you do so. When you play for the long distance shots the wood-headed is the right one. Getting the correct gulf club under the circumstances is essential since this usually works as the driver; the woods are the longest clubs and with the biggest of heads. If you’re hitting from turf – which requires high golfing skills – if you choose the woods, you’d be getting the correct golf club for the situation.

Then the irons fall in their turn into three categories according to their length, with the shortest being known as wedges. They are usually used for shorter shots particularly when approaching the green. We should mention that getting the correct golf club may get the most experienced player out to rely on very versatile shots, and the irons are usually the choice. However, many golfers now prefer the combined types – wood and iron – when it comes to getting the correct golf club. Then come the hybrid woods that serve the purpose of getting the correct golf club when on very rough terrain.

Last but not least, there are the putters, the clubs that you’ll need most when getting on the green. Though many say that getting the correct golf club on the green is not so important, it is advisable to stick to the clubs that where precisely designed for the matter. Getting the correct golf club is sometimes a matter of personal choice and many professionals choose to follow their instinct, nevertheless. You may also have a look at a professional site such as to learn some more on clubs and specific golf items for all sorts of players.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Perfect Golf Swing

So much ink has flown in the attempt to provide tips for the perfect golf swing that it makes things seem so complicated when in fact they are not. Adding more information to an already very popular subject such as the perfect golf swing has only succeeded in making things worse. Let’s have a simplified view of the way to get to master the perfect golf swing and the key-word here is imitation. There are several main possible flaws in a golf swing, the speed of movement, the lack of coordination between arms and body or deficient eye focus.

Watch a professional player execute a perfect golf swing and you will see that a moderate, yet firm body movement only takes a second or even less. By imitating the balancing and learning a few golf tricks yourself, you may easily come and perform the perfect gold swing yourself. It very much depends on what kind of shot you want to take: a long shot requires a different position than a short one. For instance, when you want to have a long distance and sure shot, the perfect golf swing is achieved by shifting the body weight from one foot to the other.

The head movement is also important for the perfect golf swing. By this we actually mean a comfortable position in which the head is three to five inches to the right before hitting the ball. Once the club has touched it, your head will move onwards describing a circular movement. However, don’t try to focus on the exact precision of these details. The perfect gold swing has to come naturally and sometimes, though you understand it technically, it still doesn’t work. So, too much thinking and too little practice may keep you away from the perfect swing.

Last but not least, if for some people the perfect golf swing seems a true natural talent; it is often not the case. There may be many hours of training or practice behind the perfect golf swing, since this is the way to getting the best shots and hit the green as often as possible. In order to improve your skills and find the way to the perfect golf swing have a look at the following web page: There are also lots of forums were you may see videos of great golf games, so, surf the net, it’s really useful.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Golf Putting Tips

The putter is probably the most used club on the green and many golf players are after professional golf putting tips to get the best scores they can. It takes quite a long way to get to the green, but once there, you’d better handle it right. Here are some golf putting tips for amateur players who are trying to improve their special swings. The first question that rises refers to the ideal distance for the putt backswing. Golf putting tips recommend that you take your right toe as a standard point. Then accelerate the club-head and hit the ball.

Golf putting tips also revolve around the artificial mats and cups you can order for your backyard to be able to practice. And, this is by far a very good idea, particularly if you have a friend to join you and increase the competitive feeling. Remember that part of the golf putting tip here is to recreate a slightly pressing atmosphere as if you were in a regular game. Many of the golf putting tips beginners use are available in instructional books and videos, not to mention the richness of Internet sources that can assist you in the attempt to improve your golf performance.

A very informational site can be visited at, don’t hesitate to have a look around and see what’s new. You may ask for golf putting tips from your friends or some professional players. If they watch you play it would be really educational and useful for you if they analyzed your style and suggested golf putting tips for an increased game level. Don’t be too proud or too shy to ask or listen, after all, you turn to someone who could set you with a clear example of a well-controlled game and provide some great golf putting tips.

On all golf sites, the request for golf putting tips is often lower than that for distance shots instructions for instance. Up to a point, this preoccupation is normal, since it gets more time to improve the golf swing than to apply some golf putting tips. However, though involving different levels of difficulty and mastery, the golf putting tips and the basic beginner knowledge are equally important for various groups of players. For an obvious increased game quality it is good to put into practice any golf putting tips learnt from regardless what source.

How To Grip A Golf Club Correctly

For anyone who has ever attended a golf lesson, it is clear that among the first things to be achieved is to learn how to grip a golf club correctly. The ball and the club are the main objects of the entire game, so it goes without saying that any beginner should know how to grip the golf club correctly. For those who’d like to find out more about golf before actually going to some sports centre to attend classes, here are a few tips to learn how to grip a golf club correctly.

First of all, keep in mind that the grip is the only way you connect and feel the golf club. A proper position of the hands on the club brings better control of the club’s face of impact. Therefore, when learning how to grip a golf club correctly, you have to swing your body so that you imprint power to the ball. If you really want to know how to grip a golf club correctly, then make sure that your hand and the club become one in the move. Always use your dominant hand for a stroke, since this is the way to hit with precision.

In order to learn how to grip a golf club correctly, place the last joint of your index finger right under the club’s shaft. Then, keep the club at a clear downward angle. When you place the lead hand on the angle, put the left thumb on the back part of the shaft. Try to imitate the moves of the trainer who shows you how to grip the golf club correctly. For very professional information you may turn to online resources like those provided by the following site: They provide great tips and ideas that will assist you in the pleasant effort of learning to play golf.

Not many people who are taught how to grip the golf club correctly actually manage to give the right strokes from the beginning. The keyword here is practice; besides the regular classes you may take, find the time to give some strokes at home too and apply the way you’ve been shown how to grip the golf club correctly. This should be a fist step in the golf learning process as you will soon go on to trying to swing and give the best shots possible. Good luck!

Free online golf lessons

Free golf lessons online

Many golf fans are constantly interested in improving their performances, therefore, the free golf lessons online are a great opportunity to lean some great tips. Sometimes the simplest advice is also the best. There are many free golf lessons online who will tell you to keep it simple and elegant, as these are the two coordinates to understand and practice this noble sport. The following tips are part of free golf lessons online that will simply teach you to develop good habits. First, you need to be able to create a mental breakthrough. Play only from the trees forward so that you don’t alter your comfort zone.

If you manage to apply the tips of free golf lessons online you will dramatically reduce your scores. What about the short course? If you see that you can’t score very well with it, then, this is a clear message you need to practice some more on the short game. Frequent training is another suggestion found with the free golf lessons online, since the outcome of a game is the direct result of your efforts to improve it. Do you find that it takes too much time to put into practice the things you learn from free golf lessons online? It should only be a matter of fifteen minutes to take a club and swing in the backyard.

It is true that you may turn to free golf lessons online to simply improve a hobby, but if you play golf you should really focus on every shot. Of course this doesn’t exclude having a great time. Part of the professionalism of the game also lies in the kind of equipment you use. Free golf lessons online won’t recommend you to spend thousands of dollars on it, but for instance if you pay attention to buy clubs with larger head volumes, you will definitely notice a difference in the distance and the precision of the shots. Many free golf lessons online will teach you how to choose your equipment.

Don’t be surprised to see that most of free golf lessons online devote lots of time and resources to insist on the short game practice. Remember that the main achievement is to get in the end zone and without proper moves, that is not possible. Use the free golf lessons online as a starting point, and then you may also require some professional advice too. One of the most comprehensive sites on the matter is, opening the door for more golf tips.